Hike Review: Cheesman Canyon, Sedalia, CO

Cheesman Canyon is one of those hikes that has been on our list but not a high priority to do, thinking it wouldn’t be anything overly amazing. Well, we finally can cross this one off and, wow were we wrong! This hike has so much about it that we loved. In fact, the only thing we would say is a downfall is that there is very little shade. But, we did pick one of the hottest weekends of the summer to do this hike, so really that is our own fault, as this hike would be absolutely perfect on a warm but not blazing hot day.

Keep reading for our full review as to why we loved it!

  1. The hike is along a river!

    Yes, you literally hike along the river for the majority of the hike! There are a ton of fishermen around and a lot of access points from the upper trail to the water. So if you get too hot, you can work your way down to the water to cool off.

  2. Good ups and downs the whole way.

    We love a good hike that is pretty equal effort both ways. This is not a hike that is up one way and down the way back. You get the challenges of inclines and declines both ways. This means that you don’t have a ton of overall elevation gain (you never get above treeline) but you get the workout associated with a strong elevation gain!

  3. If you go far enough, you hit a reservoir.

    We did not make it far enough in on this hike to hit the reservoir (hello, 100 degrees by 10am!) but if we were to have kept going, there would have been a reservoir for us to sit by and enjoy. The reservoir feeds the river that you hike along. Needless to say, we will be back to get to the reservoir on a cooler day!

  4. Not overly busy.

    We arrived at the parking lot by about 8am and had no issues parking. However, when we were leaving there were cars circling the lot waiting for a space. There is no street parking - if you park on the street you will get ticketed if caught.

We will warn you that the trail is mostly loose gravel - meaning that the declines are slippery and your feet can definitely come out from underneath you if you aren’t overly cautious. Yes, speaking from experience on that one. Whoops! Luckily I only scraped my hand a little bit, but it could have been much worse!

Overall, we give this hike a 4 out of 5 stars.

Happy Trails!

Hike Review Cheesman Canyon.jpg